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A fogyókúrák, diéták 95%-a sikertelen, mert a fogyni vágyó nem működő csodaszerekben bízik ahelyett, hogy a megfelelő diéta étrendet követné.
Our body contains cca. in half of its weight solutions - water and electrolytes (ionic substances). This massive fluid volume divides into intracellular (within cells) and extracellular (outside the cells) space.
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Food Additives presented in Table 1 of Part 6 of this Annex, which are generally permitted for use in food under the general “quantum satis” principle included in Annex II Part C(1) Group I, have been included as food additives (other than for the purpose of carriers) in food additives under the general “quantum satis” principle, unless stated otherwise.
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About. Chained is a side-scrolling platformer that explores the nature of negative dependency and loss through its ball-and-chain mechanic. Enter the psyche of an ordinary family man as he struggles to cope with the weight and consequences of his choices.